A shortage of nurses remains a major challenge in New Mexico. According to a 2020 legislative report, the state had a shortfall of 6,223 nurses (Nott, 2022). The shortage is likely to rise in the next decade, leading to a further burden on the nursing population in the country. According to Zhang et al. (2018), New Mexico will have one of the largest nurse shortages of all states by 2030. By 2030, the state will have a shortfall of 7496 nurses or 357 nurses per 100,000 individuals. Some of the contributing factors to the shortage include low preparation levels (1000 registered nurses per year), a growing population, and an aging population. For example, more than 48% of the registered nurse population is over the age of 40 years (Zhang et al., 2018). Such a nursing shortage would have negative implications on patient care and the welfare of nurses. Low nursing staffing is correlated with patient mortality, high risk of hospital-acquired infections (early and onset ventilator-associated pneumonia, catheter-associated bloodstream infections, falls) and missed care events, adverse events, risk of unplanned ICU admission, odds of cardiac arrest, and longer length of hospital stay. Furthermore, low nurse staffing is correlated with hospital-acquired pressure injuries and 30-day readmissions (Dall'Ora, et al., 2022). Given that the nursing shortage would affect both the skill mix and availability of nurses for patient care, there is a likelihood that care in the state would deteriorate, leading to poor patient outcomes. Furthermore, such shortages would affect the physical and psychological health of nurses. A high patient-to-nurse ratio is associated with a higher prevalence of burnout, job dissatisfaction, and intention to leave. Moreover, it can lead to injuries, with studies indicating a higher prevalence of needlestick injuries in hospitals experiencing nurse shortages (Shin et al., 2018).

The idea for Addressing Solution

In no more than 250 words, outline your idea for addressing the issue and explain why legislation is the best course for advocacy.

The proposed idea is to develop legislation that would provide grants to students to pursue a nursing education and finance for institutions providing nursing education to expand their capacity. One of the main impediments to pursuing a nursing career is the lack of financing options. The cost of a nursing program varies depending on whether a nurse pursues a nursing degree in their own state or outside their state. Tuition per semester may range from $2,627 for in-state students to more than $3,168 for students studying outside the state. University fees are higher for most nursing programs (Reger & Curnow, 2020). Individuals pursuing a nursing program may also be required to pay for application fees and licensure fees, among other costs such as upkeep. Providing alternative financing options for students willing to pursue nursing programs would encourage students to enter nursing institutions. The legislation would allow the state to provide alternative financing in the form of grants and loans, which would be tied to a contract with the state to practice within the state for a minimum number of years. Furthermore, the program would require nursing institutions to communicate and raise public awareness about loan financing options, such as Title VII, institutional aid, and tuition reimbursements to students willing to take nursing programs. Moreover, the legislation would require the state to expand grants to universities and colleges within the state to expand their capacity to prepare students. Such grants would be directed towards providing competitive remuneration for nurse educators, improving buildings and learning conditions, and providing housing for faculty and student nurses.

Research the Issue

Perform research and compile information for your idea. Present substantive evidence-based findings that support your idea for addressing the problem (studies, research, and reports). Include any similar legislation introduced or passed in other states.

Evidence 1

Programs combining education financing for nursing education and expanding the capacity of nursing schools to take more students have been shown to be effective in increasing the number of nursing students and, consequently, the number of licensed practitioners. Some of the famous examples include the Nursing Training Act (1964), the Health Professions Educational Assistance Act, and Title VIII

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